Friday, June 21, 2013

Future of Editing is Almost Here!!!

The Future of Editing is Almost Here!!!
Let me explain. I edit short films, features, commercials, etc. and I have an old Mac from 2008 with a firewire400 port, external HDs, not a lot of memory, etc. This is not an ideal editing system. The speed from your external HD to your Mac should be 7200rpm aka firewire800 minimum for example.
But I make it work the best I can by doing work arounds. For instance if I'm editing a feature film on FCP 7 I would have to edit 8 minute increments and then put all the videos together in a new file to be on the safe side and make sure my computer can handle everything. While I would be editing I would have a cooling fan system directed at my computer and frozen peas, berries, etc. in the freezer on standby to put on my computer if it started to overheat. My computer crashed once from being overworked on a short film I made in college, so I have learned the value of a fan cooling system and frozen foods on standby, first hand.
It's 2013 now and I realize my computer with its hard drive cleared of any files that will slow it down and its memory maxed its still slow and I'm going to need to replace it soon. Not what I want to hear knowing I can't afford the latest and greatest in computer technology. I spend a lot of money on production equipment as it is but I went to to checkout the Macs (I use Macs because I use FCP that works with Macs).
Technology has advanced a lot since 2008. USB 3.0 is ten times faster than 2.0 and Thunderbolt is suppose to be twice as fast as USB 3.0. Well, I don't even have the drives capable to run the speeds of this new technology. So clearly I need an upgrade and I searched iMacs and added upgrades and added a 4TB Thunderbolt External Storage and the total came to $3000. $4000 if I would get a laptop instead of desktop.
This is more than what I want to spend but even still I have to say with the capabilities of the additions I added to these systems I can't complain.
I noticed a strange image titled MAC PRO. I clicked on it only to discover the future of editing is almost here.
This MAC PRO more than doubles the system I added to my cart in EVERY WAY. Thunderbolt 2.0 doubles the new standard of current transfer ability. The doubling capacity doesn't even include its revolutionary design that will keep your system more cool to operate at its maximum ability for long periods of time. And lets not even get started on how much better the MAC PRO is compared to my current Mac. Plus I think I damaged my keyboard from drooling on it as I scrolled down with my keypad through each of the MAC PRO's descriptions. It was like seeing the future and being glad you will be apart of it.
Clearly every RED 4K resolution editing suite is going to have one of these bad boys when it comes out later this year and Mac has to know that. Technically it's a high end Prosumer Mac bridging the gap to high end professional editing computers without spending $20,000. So I'm certainly worried about the price but at the same time I'm certainly not going to be purchasing any other Mac until I know what the price is on this MAC PRO coming out later this year. It could very well be around $4,000 with so many savvy computer people these days capable of building their own systems, Apple could keep the price competitive. I have seen people say, "they will only purchase this for $3,500" in forums because they feel they can build their own systems in this price range. Whatever the case may be in regards to price, I'm sure I'm going to have to start saving now if I want to be apart of the future.
Come on $3,500 daddy needs a new editing suite!

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